Travel Through Time with the Most Futuristic Tourist Attractions in the World

Last updated:
June 30, 2024

Tired of the usual tourist attractions your friends drag you to? I mean it’s not like you don’t want to go out with them, it’s just you’ve already been to those places — or at least something like them. I get it. If you’re looking for something new, have you ever considered traveling through time? Of course, until scientists finally discover a way for us to actually do that, we’ll have to be creative. And what better way to do that than look for the world's most futuristic tourist spots.

Let's be real, who doesn't love a glimpse into the future? Futuristic attractions have the perfect blend of innovation, technology, and imagination that can transport us to worlds we've only dreamed of. Plus, they make for some seriously Instagram-worthy photos!

So without further ado, here are five of the most futuristic attractions in the world.

Singapore's Supertrees

First up on our list is Singapore's iconic Supertrees. These towering structures, located in the Gardens by the Bay, are not your average trees. Standing at heights of up to 50 meters (164 ft.), these futuristic marvels are covered in over 160,000 plants, creating a breathtaking vertical garden. But the real magic happens at night when these trees come alive with a dazzling light and sound show that will leave you mesmerized.

Singapore Supertrees · Places Curated
Singapore's Supertrees, Gardens by the Bay (Image: Kai Kai / Pexels)

Dubai's Glass Slide at the Sky Views Observatory

If you're a thrill-seeker looking for your next adrenaline fix, look no further than Dubai's glass slide at the Sky Views Observatory. At just a few minutes away from the world's tallest skyscraper, the Burj Khalifa, this transparent slide offers unbelievable views of the city below as you whiz down from the 53rd floor. It's not for the faint of heart, but if you're brave enough, it's definitely an experience you'll never forget!

California's Zero Gravity Flight

Ever wondered what it feels like to float in zero gravity like an astronaut? Well, wonder no more because the Zero-G Experience is here to make your dreams a reality. Experience true weightlessness aboard G-FORCE ONE®, a modified Boeing 727. 

Specially trained pilots perform parabolic maneuvers, providing passengers with authentic zero-gravity experiences. The process involves flying in FAA-designated airspace blocks, gradually ascending to 32,000 feet while increasing the aircraft's angle. During the 20-30 seconds of weightlessness, passengers float freely. The maneuver is repeated 15 times per flight, offering a unique adventure. With sets of three to five parabolas, passengers also experience Lunar and Martian gravity. It's the ultimate thrill for adventurers of all kinds.

Iceland's 5 Million Star Hotel

For those seeking a truly out-of-this-world experience, look no further than Iceland's 5 Million Star Hotel. Right at the heart of the Icelandic wilderness, this unique accommodation offers guests the chance to sleep under the stars in their own private bubble. With uninterrupted views of the Northern Lights and the Milky Way above, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect with nature in the most futuristic and luxurious way possible.

Buubble Hotel Iceland: The One and Only 5 Million Star Hotel · Places Curated
Buubble Hotel Iceland: The One and Only 5 Million Star Hotel (Image: Booking)

Spain's City of Arts and Sciences

Last but certainly not the least, we have Spain's City of Arts and Sciences, located in the vibrant city of Valencia. This architectural wonderland is home to a collection of futuristic buildings designed by renowned architect Santiago Calatrava. From the striking Hemisfèric planetarium to the futuristic Oceanogràfic aquarium, this cultural complex is a must-visit for anyone with an appreciation for cutting-edge design and innovation.

City of Arts and Sciences, Valencia, Spain · Places Curated
City of Arts and Sciences, Valencia, Spain (Image: Klook)
Disclaimer: Some images on this website have been edited from their original source to match the theme and colors of Places Curated.
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